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Need to Clean Your Brass Bed? Here's How. – Brass Beds of Virginia
Need to Clean Your Brass Bed? Here's How.

Need to Clean Your Brass Bed? Here's How.

Brass beds are one of the most timeless pieces of furniture one can invest in and our beds are built to last a lifetime.

It’s easy to keep your brass bed looking new but it will require a little love and attention from time to time. We’re here to teach you the basics and arm you with the right supplies to make sure your brass bed is always gleaming.

Step 1: Polish Consistently

It’s important to stay consistent with your polishing, the longer you wait, the harder it will be to bring back that golden glow. The good news is that if you have a brass bed that has had no attention, each shine up will become easier than the last – but we still recommend staying regular with your brass polishings.

Step 2: Prep 

First things first – before you polish your brass bed, give it a wash. All you need is a mild dish soap and some warm water. Wipe off the debris and dust with a soft, damp cloth dipped in your soapy water mixture.

Step 3: Polish

One you’ve cleaned your brass bed, it’s time to polish it. While you can make a solution on your own with a mixture of at home substances, we’ve created our own Miracle Brass Polishing solution that we believe cleans brass better than any regular brass polish. Architectural Digest recommends always using a tried and true brass cleaner when cleaning a Brass Bed, and we couldn’t agree more!

Contact Us to Order Our Miracle Brass Cleaning Kit:

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